Stories Archive - Page 7 of 7 - West Ridge Church

The Palmers

Reaching the Somali

Whatever it takes, every person deserves a chance to hear and respond to the Gospel. Through your generosity, we were able to play a part in reaching an unreached people group of Somali refugees in Clarkston, Georgia.

Vision Fund – A Message from Pastor Brian

Our God is a faithful God, and we are so excited for the coming months around West Ridge Church!

Generosity Experiment | Garth Leno

Generosity can be defined as going above and beyond what’s asked or even expected. See the difference your generosity made in the life of one of our church planters, Garth Leno, from The Gathering Church in Windsor, Ontario.

Grain For Sector 30 | Burkina Faso

Jason and Christy’s Story

In marriage, sometimes you walk through some of life's most difficult situations. See how a Google search led Jason and Christy to Re|Engage, West Ridge's marriage enrichment ministry.

How Do We Respond to the Down and Out?

As believers, how should we respond to refugees, and those who are down and out?

Jon’s Story

“Having the ‘close-knit-ness’ of people that we were familiar with, that knew where we were in our stage in life, really made it feel comfortable... it made it feel like home.” - Jon Burklow

Sawyer’s Story

Watch the impact that a scholarship can have on the life of a student...

Amy’s Story

Ever wonder what kind of difference you can make on a mission trip? Watch Amy's story to find out.

Generosity Experiment: Encounter Church

God's not done just yet... Take a look at what He's doing in Boston through your giving in the Generosity Experiment!

The Jensen’s Story

You may not be able to go back and undo, but you can definitely start again. Watch the Jensen's story, and take that next step to #StartAgain

The Moore’s Story

David is a husband, father, and veteran who founded a non-profit that works to serve and rehabilitate homeless veterans. David is also facing a handful of health issues, directly related to his service in our armed services, and because of your generosity we were able to do something a little special for him and his family!

Generosity Experiment: Genesis Church

For our 20th Anniversary, why have we decided to give gifts rather than to receive? For reasons such as this, watch:

Generosity Experiment: Gallery Church

For our 20th Anniversary, why have we decided to give gifts rather than to receive? For reasons such as this, watch:

The Wheeler’s Story

Generosity is all about going above and beyond and doing something completely unexpected for someone who deserves it... Someone who maybe would never see it coming. Watch the Wheeler's story.

The Sparkman’s Story

One moment. 54 surgeries. A three-year journey. Chris and Jamie Lynn's world was rocked in April of 2014. But, because of one RISEN Savior, they've been able to walk through life’s darkest moments with the hope of a new life and a bright future.

Cierra’s Story

RUSH is more than a summer camp... It's an opportunity for students like Cierra to experience life change!

Michael & Jenniffer Marblestone

Disagreements happen in every marriage, but you just have to have an attitude of, "We're gonna get through this together. We're not gonna quit. And, Never give up." Watch Michael and Jenniffer's story:

Steven & Jennifer

Getting into a group can be intimidating, no matter how long you've been attending church. Watch how God used Steven and Jennifer's group during a time in their lives that changed everything for them.

The Gift Offering: Juliette’s Story

Juliette's story represents so many other young girls that we can play a part in rescuing through The Gift Offering.

The Gift Offering: Tyler Newsome’s Story

A goal of the 2016 Gift Offering is to create intern opportunities for students in our own church. See how you can make that goal a reality over at

The Gift Offering: Boston

Supporting new church plants across the east coast from Boston to Miami is just one of the goals of this year’s Gift Offering!

Sydney’s Story

"God is sovereign. He is in control. I can still say today that God is good." -Sydney Even in the midst of tragedy, pain, and grief, God meets us right where we are and makes it known to us that He is still good.

The English’s Story

After fifty-nine years of marriage, Bob and Dorris are more in love than ever before. We had the privilege to sit down with them for a Q & A and learn what it's like to fight for your marriage and how to finish well together.

Russell’s Story

"Burning bushes don't speak | Men don't walk on water | I could never take the leap of faith to believe any of that..." Watch how God transformed this man's life with eight words.

Rolando’s Story

Ever wonder what kind of difference you can make on a mission trip? Watch Rolando's story and find out.

Mike + Stephanie’s Story

Meet the Mike and Stephanie. They took a risk and tried a group... Here's how it worked out for them!

Sarita’s Story

24 years ago, Sarita made a decision that would change her life forever. She chose a path of faith and trust, and because of that, her son lives a FULL life today.

Guatemala | El Cimiento

The village of El Cimento, Guatemala hasn't been forgotten by God, and they haven't been forgotten by us. Because of your generosity, we're able to reach this community with the gospel for the first time in 20+ years.

Contagious Generosity

Over the past few years, we’ve been able to witness generosity shape the culture of our church. Because of your generosity, we have seen some amazing things happen.

E.J.’s Story

Watch E.J.'s story of how he has overcome and continues to fight for his family every day.

Hope For Christmas 2015

Take a behind the scenes look at what Hope For Christmas looks like!

Generosity Experiment: Jeff and Dianne’s Story

Jeff and Diane are in the middle of one of the biggest trials of their lives. Watch how you were a part of their story.

Generosity Experiment: Rachel’s Story

In the second Generosity Experiment of 2015, as a church, we were able to meet a huge need in a family's situation.

Generosity Experiment: Miki’s Story

Miki was unsure how she was going to do what God was leading her to do until this happened...

Starting Point Story: The Hobbs and The Corleys

“If it weren't for our group, I don't know how we would have gotten through it... Starting point has saved our lives and our marriage.”

Ashleigh’s Story

The words you speak or even write can easily point your friends, neighbors, or even a student to Jesus.

What If Experiment: 16 Months In

Through your generosity, we've seen God do some incredible things. Thank you, West Ridge, for helping shock the world with your generosity.

It’s Worth It: Jeff and Tara’s Story

Marriage is tough, however, Jeff and Tara's story proves that marriage is worth it.

Steve Pharr

Steve Pharr is living proof that God is able to bring peace to anyone, anywhere.

Jessie’s Story

No one is unforgivable or beyond God's reach. Jessie's story is an amazing reminder that God never runs out on us!

6 Things You Didn’t Know About “What If Experiment.”

Over the past year, we’ve come together in an effort to shock the world with our generosity. Here are six ways your generosity has impacted Northwest Atlanta and the world.

Leamonique Hoilett

In Jesus, all of our stories of life transformation. Leamonique's is no different.

Brock & Emma Veale’s Story

In May of 2013, Brock and Emma Veale suffered the loss of their sister, Savannah. Watch how they responded and how God has used Savannah's passing to expand His Kingdom.

Carla Davis’ Story

Carla Davis' family was searching for community, and that is exactly what they found in Groups at West Ridge.

Ali & Jordan Scarborough

What If Update

Because of your generosity, West Ridge Church has been able to impact our community, country and world. This is a quick update to show what has been accomplished so far.

My Story: Ryan Delk and Brittni Bergner

The only way we can have victory over sin is through God's grace. Check out Ryan Delk and Brittni Berger's journey together as they walk in purity.

The Payne’s Story

The Payne's had everything they could possibly want, yet they found themselves miserable in the midst of the American Dream. Watch their story and see where they ended up.

Carla Davis’ Story

Carla Davis' family was searching for community, and that is exactly what they found in Groups at West Ridge.

Troy & Lindsey Page

Troy and Lindsey Page share their incredible journey through marriage, cancer, and having a baby.

Jennifer Rogers

A story of hope and redemption.


A powerful story of how one person can make a difference when they are willing to invest their life.

Todd Harris

See how one man turned his focus from his career to putting God and his family first.

Caroline Elliot

A story of realizing that no matter what your past, God can bring redemption for your future.

Chris & Kristen Foust

Life is scary, especially when we don't know what the future holds. See how the Fousts live each day believing in God's perfect plan for their family.

Why We Serve

Our church is full of people who understand why serving is so important. Watch how lives are changed because of serving others.

Matt & Melissa Yung

See how God provided above and beyond for the Yung family when they put Him first in their finances.

Julia Webb

Growing up, Julia Webb felt like she didn't have anything to offer. Now she is serving in more ways than she could have ever imagined.

Teri Smith

Teri Smith felt a calling to lead a women's recovery group. Through her faithfulness, she’s helped impact the lives of women all over our community.

Linda Brown

Linda Brown is a foster and adopted mother who's life was impacted by Community Makeover when West Ridge volunteers made her home safer for her children.

Robby and Amy Adams

Robby and Amy Adams decided to join a small group at West Ridge and share the difference it's made in their lives and their family.

Dean Plumber

Dean is a runner who went on a mission trip to Burkina Faso and decided he would use his talent of running to make a difference in Burkina.