11AM-12:30PM | Nicaragua Team Meeting | Discovery A
11AM-12:30PM | Scotland Team Meeting | Modular 401A
Student Ministry:
Reckless (high school): every Sunday Night – doors open at 6 and starts at 6:30pm
Revolution (middle school): every Wednesday Night, doors open at 6:30 and starts at 7pm
Spanish Translation Services
We are excited to offer live in-person Spanish Translation during the 12:45PM service!
Headsets will be available to check out at the Help Center.
There will be a team member available at the Help Center that is dedicated to managing this process.
Facilities Point Of Contact Today:
Sherry Horne
Josh Borders
Monthly Gatherings:
Prayer Gathering: Every First Monday – September 9th– 7PM – Worship Center
Women’s Gathering: Every Second Thursday – September 12th – 7PM – Multipurpose Theater
Men’s Gathering: Every Second Saturday – September 14th– 7:30AM – Atrium
Young Adult Gathering: Every Third Thursday – September 19th – 7pm – Multipurpose Theater
Groups meeting today:
9:00am : Men’s Veterans Group – Modular 401A
10:30am: Abercrombie – Modular 303A
10:30am: Johnson – Modular 303B
10:45am: Plunkett – Modular 401A
12:45pm: Men’s Group – Modular 401A
Medical Emergency
We now have a radio that will live at the help center for any medical emergencies. Make sure it is on channel 3. Every kids space has this as well. If someone comes to you with an emergency just push the button, give it a second, then ask for a team member from the medical team to come to the help center where you will let them know where the emergency was located. Also let the officers know of the emergency and text Christie: 770.330.9150
If someone comes to the help center for prayer and it is after a service there should be a prayer team member standing near the Help Center ready. They have been instructed to let you know they are there and available for anyone asking for prayer. They will also have a prayer team lanyard on.
If you are unable to find someone from that team then reach out to John/JP (Pastor of Care). He is very accessible! If that doesn’t work our Minister on Call this week is ________.
If you are at a dead end after all that please reach out to Christie.