- Sunday Services Online: 9:00a | 11:00a | 12:45p
- 3522 Hiram Acworth Hwy, Dallas, GA 30157
Do you find yourself living in a place of peaceful freedom, or do you find yourself struggling with the worries of this world? YOU WERE CREATED TO LIVE IN FREEDOM! In this study, we will hear eight different women share their personal stories of how God revealed Himself in a specific way and brought them to a place of freedom as they uncovered His truths. Through scripture and discussion questions this podcast driven Bible study will help you live confidently as a child of God and in the story He is writing for your life. The sessions will teach you what freedom in Jesus Christ looks like as well as encourage you to rest in His word, trust in His plan, and live for Heaven.
This Bible study may take a couple field trips to hear this podcast and testimonies of women being shared live.
This group is comprised of women in various seasons of life and open to all.
Kate is the wife of Bryan, mom to 6 kids, and has attended West Ridge for about 20 years. She loves studying God’s word, almond milk, lattes, and enjoying God’s creation on hikes.