- Sunday Services Online: 9:00a | 11:00a | 12:45p
- 3522 Hiram Acworth Hwy, Dallas, GA 30157
Having your trust broken can be life-altering, but it doesn’t have to be life-ruining.
Broken trust complicates every bit of the parts of love that should be comforting. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A spouse cheated on you. A family member betrayed you. A leader deceived you. You’re exhausted by other people’s choices and are starting to question your own discernment. And you’re wondering, If God let this happen, can He even be trusted?
How can you step into the future when you keep stumbling over trust issues? Lysa says it’s not simply about finding better people to walk with. It’s about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God so you don’t become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship. In I Want to Trust You, but I Don’t, Lysa will help you:
Age Range: 26 – 40, Our group is mostly single moms, but open to other areas of life.
My name is Lacey and I have 3 beautiful children, worked for the same company for 7 years, grew up in Paulding county and have been a member of Westridge for going on 4 years. I have so much love and heart to serve for our church and community and love being a part of a community within the church! I do crafts, read, and go to the gym outside of work, kids and church.