Women's Lab - West Ridge Church

Women’s Labs are one-night learning environments designed to equip you with the understanding and application of different biblical topics.

July Speaker:  Judy Rocker
Topic: Genesis 12 to 2024 – Israel and The Jewish People, The Proof of God

The Jewish people, the land, the nation and their purpose can only be understood through a Biblical lens.  Their story starts in Genesis and continues in 2024.  In Genesis 12, God called Abraham.  In Genesis 15 and 17, God made an everlasting Covenant with Abraham and his descendants.   This Covenant is still active and effects all of mankind, all of history, past and present.

This Month’s Lab will focus on two things:

  1. Examining the evidence that proves Israel and the Jewish people verify the existence of God.
  2. In Exodus 4:22, the Lord says, “Israel is My son, My firstborn.”   In John 4:22, Jesus says, “Salvation is from the Jews.”   Are we, as believers, called by God to be a blessing and a witness to the Jews in this time of aggressive anti-Semitism?