40 Days of Prayer - Day 38 - West Ridge Church

Thursday, April 18th, Day 38

Author: Dale Levan

Church: Fellowship Church

“The Guardian at the Gate” Daniel 5:30-31

One of the Seven Wonders of the World is the Great Wall of China. It was built centuries ago to keep out invading armies. It was built so high and wide that no army could penetrate it. Yet, the Chinese were invaded three times during the first one hundred years. The enemy did not climb the wall or tunnel through it. They simply bribed the guards at the gate.

Throughout history, whenever there was someone of importance within a city gate and an enemy outside the gate, there had to be a guardian. His purpose was to protect that important person or people within from the enemy without.

In this text, the Medes and the Persians could not find a way through the large walls or past the guarded areas of the city, but they found a way through the underground waterway and crawled through a crack in the wall. Once one enemy was in the city, the whole army came in and killed the king and took over the city.

When we permit one sin to enter into our lives past the guardian of God’s Word, we open ourselves to being conquered by that sin. When we permit a sin to sneak in past the guardian or we compromise to permit it in, it may open the way for other sins to enter into our home or church ready to take either or both of these down. Secure the gate. Secure the castle. Today, make a commitment to stand on God’s standard and to seek His help to guard all entrances to your life putting down all challenges to the Lordship of Christ.

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As you walk through these 40 days of prayer, join us in praying over this list of prayer request.