40 Days of Prayer - Day 32 - West Ridge Church

Thursday, April 11th, Day 32

Author: Frank Bennet

Church: Lake Point Church

When God Sings (Title)

It’s difficult to comprehend the wisdom, power and glory of our awesome God. Yet, there is something that God does that you may not know. It’s only mentioned once in the Bible, hidden away in the least-read book. It’s found in Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. (ESV) What is this characteristic that is only listed once in scripture? It’s the fact that God sings.

Zephaniah states that “He will quiet you by His love”. Prison inmates all share one complaint about prison. It’s always noisy. There is never relief from the constant yelling and shouting from every cell block. If you’re locked in your own prison of sinful actions, God wants to quiet you with His love. Love is never loud. I don’t scream at my wife that I love her. Many times, I go up to her ear and whisper quiet words of love while adding a few spicy words that make her giggle. When my mouth goes up to her ear, she never turns away. She positions herself because she knows what’s coming. Are you tired of your world and your past screaming at you? Then you need to position yourself to hear the quiet words of love.

God quiets us with His love and then sings at the top of His lungs. This may make you feel awkward, like the waiting staff of a Mexican restaurant singing happy birthday to you while you’re wearing a sombrero. Outside of someone singing happy birthday, when was the last time someone sang a song directly to you? The last time someone probably sang over you was when you were a child, dependent in the arms of someone who loves you dearly. It’s time you get back to those loving arms of God as a child.

What has God been singing over you? Or what has He tried to sing over you? To hear Him sing, position yourself to hear from Him.

Submit a Prayer Request

How can we be praying for you?


As you walk through these 40 days of prayer, join us in praying over this list of prayer request.