Day 23
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“Worry-free” Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7
Among Mayan believers from Guatemala “worry dolls” are purported to serve the purpose to relieve a person of worry. The tradition states that the one who wishes to be worry free must have six worry dolls close to the bed. Each doll represents a worry that you have been dealing with. The person is instructed to talk to the dolls and to tell them the worries he or she has before going to sleep. If on the next day the worries are gone, the dolls have served their purpose. In Spanish these dolls are called Munecas Quitapenas (Dolls that remove sadness).
I agree that it probably helps some to share your worries, even with a doll, but the Bible’s instruction is to pray. Tell your problems or worries to God. He can and will take them and do something about them. He cares for you. We are told not to worry but to pray. We can’t change the situation anyway.
What are you doing with your worries? What you do with them determines whether you will be truly “worry-free.”
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