- Sunday Services Online: 9:00a | 11:00a | 12:45p
- 3522 Hiram Acworth Hwy, Dallas, GA 30157
“From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” Ephesians 4:16 (ESV)
Every Sunday, when I walk into our church and see people using their gifts and talents to serve the Lord, I think, what a beautiful picture of love this is. People are sacrificing their time, money, and resources to worship Jesus. That is a spectacular sight – one that is pleasing to Him.
What a blessing to serve using the gifts and talents the Lord has given us. 1 Peter 4:10 tells us that God has given each of us a gift, and we should use them well to serve one another. By using all of our gifts to serve one another in the local church, we are building up the church and helping it grow. 1 Corinthians 12 describes it as this – we are all parts of one body, and all parts are important. One part can’t say to the other, I don’t need you. When one part suffers, all parts suffer. When one part is honored, all parts rejoice. Not one part is greater than the other and the body doesn’t work without all parts working together. The church has many people serving together, doing different parts, but all accomplishing one goal.
There is no better way to represent Jesus than to serve others. Jesus modeled the life of a servant for us in many ways. He washed the disciples’ dirty, disgusting feet – even the feet of the one He knew would later betray Him. But even more than that – he modeled the supreme act of service when he took on a human form, was beaten, bled, and died in place of my sin and yours.
The church exists to put Jesus on display, and what better way to put Jesus on display than by serving others, literally modeled after Jesus’ example? By serving together, we are pointing others to Jesus, expanding His Kingdom, and adding to those worshipping Him by doing what we were created to do.
Personal Prayer Focus
As you pray today, ask the Lord to show you how he wants you to serve others. Ask him to give you the desire to serve and to prepare and equip you to function in the role he has for you in the body of Christ.
West Ridge Prayer Focus
Today, we ask you to join us in praying for our Men’s Groups Team (Tyler Newsome, Lauren Monaco, coaches, and group leaders) as well as our Women’s Groups Team (Julie Rape, Toni Campbell, coaches, and group leaders) as they continue leading the men and women of our church to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.