- Sunday Services Online: 9:00a | 11:00a | 12:45p
- 3522 Hiram Acworth Hwy, Dallas, GA 30157
This group is comprised of women in every season of life. The study we will be doing this semester is An Unexplainable Life by Erica Wiggenhorn. “Can you explain your life apart from God? Most of us live a shadow of the life we’re called to. Perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, the book of Acts shows us what life can be when lived in the power of God. An Unexplainable Life is an in-depth study meant to reignite a movement of the Holy Spirit in us individually and in our churches collectively.” We will study Acts 1-12 over 10 weeks. You will need a Bible and the study workbook. There are 5 lessons a week to complete on your own and we will discuss the lessons as a group when we meet. Each daily lesson requires about 20-30 minutes.
Kate and her family have attended West Ridge church for about 20 years. She and her husband Bryan have been married 24 years. They have 6 children, ages 6-21. Kate enjoys learning how to garden, going for long walks and drinking almond milk lattes.