Easter At West Ridge - West Ridge Church

On Easter, we celebrate that Jesus conquered death by focusing on His gift of eternal life. Because of this act of love, we can experience the extra dose of hope, joy, strength, and confidence that we all need in our lives right now. Join us for a service like no other as we worship and celebrate our risen Savior!


Easter Service Times:

Saturday, April 19:  4:00pm & 6:00pm
Sunday, April 20:  9:00am, 11:00am, & 12:45pm

Kid’s programming will be available for ages birth – 5th grade during all services
All services will be streamed live on Facebook Live and on westridge.com/live


🚙 Pro-Tip: Make Yourself Comfortable! 🪑
 Want the best Easter experience for you and your guests? Join us on Saturday at 4pm or 6pm, or Sunday at 12:45pm! We are hard at work preparing for a packed house at the 9am + 11am services but will have plenty of parking spaces and seats for you during the other 3 services. If you are unable to join at 4pm, 6pm or 12:45pm please be sure to arrive extra early. Video Venues will be available throughout the building once the Worship Center reaches maximum capacity.

Welcome To West Ridge!

Whether you are considering joining us for the first time or you're a long-time attender, we want you to know that West Ridge is a place for you and your family to thrive! Enjoy this quick video from Pastor Brian Bloye and his wife Amy about the heart behind West Ridge and how we are leading people to be fully devoted followers of Christ in our community, country, and world!

Who’s Your One This Year?
Inviting Friends & Family Is As Easy As Sending A Text

Share the good news with your friends and family this year! You can change someone’s life with just a simple invite, and we’ve made it as easy as sending a text or email! Click the button below to open Digital Easter Invitation, hit the share button and select text, write up a quick personal message, and hit “send.” Hint: Be sure to let them know what service time you’ll be attending!

Invite Your Family And Friends With A Text

Good Friday Service:

Friday, April 18: 12:00pm
Start your Easter weekend by attending this one-hour in-person and online service. You will experience a meaningful time of worship, inspiration, and communion as we focus on what Jesus accomplished through the cross.

Service will be available for streaming on Facebook Live or online at westridge.com/live (click here)

Here To Serve

It take a village to pull off the best Easter at West Ridge. Interested in serving on Easter weekend? We have options to serve during all of our services in a variety of areas. Click below to sign up!